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XYplorer 9.20.0200

XYplorer 9.20.0200

XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager for Windows, featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. It's extremely fast and light, it's innovative, and it's fun!

XYplorer is a portable file manager. It doesn't require any installation, nor does it ever change your system or registry. Ideal for a USB drive. Here's cutting-edge file management using a true multi-tabbed interface. If you like dual pane, you will love multi-tabs! XYplorer features a high-end file search with tremendous power and truly amazing speed. It fully supports Boolean logic, Regular Expressions, content search, and more.

Reduce your daily routines to simple keystrokes with User-Defined Commands! One-click previews of all important image, audio, video, web, office, and font file formats. No other file manager offers a favorites panel that's nearly as powerful as XYplorer's Catalog. Who else offers an easily configurable New Items menu? Major time saver! Portable File Associations: Home is where your double-click is! Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts for more than 300 functions. Have it your way! XYplorer is continuously enhanced and users are taken seriously. A clean and user-friendly interface makes working with XYplorer easy and intuitive.


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