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Classic games collection formatted for Mac OS X (Vol. 5)

Classic games collection formatted for Mac OS X (Vol. 5) | 457Mb

Classic dos games formatted to run on OS X using a modified version of Dosbox. Each game consists of one app file. Just click and run. Dosbox is universal binary.

Albion (1996).app
Caesar II (1996).app
Goblins (1991).app
Goblins 2 (1992).app
Goblins 3 (1993).app
Grand Theft Auto (1997).app
Mortal Kombat (1993).app
Mortal Kombat 2 (1994).app
Pizza Tycoon (1994).app
Red Storm Rising (1988).app
Screamer (1995).app
Sid Meiers Pirates! Gold (1993).app
SimFarm (1993).app
SimHealth (1994).app
SimLife (1992).app
Slipstream 5000 (1995).app
Star Control (1990).app
Star Control 2 (1992).app
Stargunner (1996).app
Street Fighter II (1992).app
System Shock (1994).app
The Incredible Machine (1993).app
The Incredible Machine 2 (1994).app
X Com Terror From the Deep (1995).app
X Wing (1993).app

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