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Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.1

Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.1
* Burn files and folders to CD/DVD/Blu-Ray and add files and folders to existing discs
* Multi-disc file backup and restore on CD/DVD/Blu-Ray with compression and password protection
* Create VideoCDs and Super VideoCDs
* Rip music from audio CDs to MP3, WMA and WAV files
* Create audio CDs from WAV, MP3, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files
* Create MP3 or WMA CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs or just copy music to CD, DVD or Blu-Ray
* Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs
* Create and burn disc images for CD, DVD and Blu-Ray
* Quickly erase any rewritable media
* Store disc images larger than 2GB on FAT32 file systems
* Interactive troubleshooting assistant for solving hardware and media problems
* Save project files so that you can burn the same discs again later

Release Name: Ashampoo.Burning.Studio.10.v10.0.1-TE
Size: 75.31 MB


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